
May 16th, 2024


The 9th Crandon Model UN Conference will be held on May 25th at Instituto Crandon. The group of students who are part of Crandon MUN and Professor Tamara Miguez Selayarán, the teacher in charge, are working on the organization of the conference that will bring together students from various private institutions in the country.

In this opportunity, the Security Council will address how to prevent escalation of the geopolitical dispute in the Essequibo region (Guyana–Venezuela territorial dispute). GA1 (Disarmament and International Security, First Committee) will discuss the illicit international production and distribution of 3D-printed weapons, and GA3 (​​the Committee in charge of Social, Humanitarian & Cultural Issues) will discuss the strategies to end and prevent child, early and forced marriage.

Respectively, the students that will be part of GA4 (Special Political and Decolonization Committee) will exchange views related to promoting measures to bridge the space divide and ensuring a peaceful and equitable access to Outer Space.

Addressing deforestation and Promoting sustainable land use of the Amazon rainforest will be the topic of the Environmental Commission, meanwhile the Human Rights Council will address measures to combat Islamophobia.

Finally, the members of the Commission on the Status of Women will discuss how to enforce the ban on Female Genital Mutilation, and the Commission on Population and Development will seek to develop international digital equity.

Throughout the day, the students will act as delegates of each committee, representing countries, arguing a previously prepared position, and finally casting votes on the final draft of a Resolution.

«Once again, we expect a new edition of our conference to be packed with interesting debate, well researched positions and full to the brim with proposals to fix the issues that concern our students and the leaders of the world», explained the professor in charge of the activity.


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Crandon ModelUNEducación Básica IntegradaEnglishInglésSecundaria