
June 14th, 2023

Crandon ModelUN Conference 2023

On the 27th of May, the eighth edition of the Crandon Model United Nations conference (Crandon ModelUN, Departamento de Secundaria) was held. More than 300 students from sixteen private educational institutions participated in the event. Due to the number of participants and the formality of the meeting, the opening and closing ceremonies took place in Graff Hall, whereas the committee sessions were held in different classrooms.

The team of teachers in charge of Crandon ModelUN (Tamara Miguez Selayarán, Secondary English and History teacher, and Felipe Carrier Cabezas, Crandon alumni) and the students participating in this extracurricular activity defined the issues, the committees of the 2023 conference and all the details related to the organization of a conference that follows the strict United Nations protocol.

On this occasion, Mag. Francisco Benavídez, Unicef representative in Uruguay, was the speaker of the opening ceremony. Then, in eleven committees, the students debated various issues related to the current situation of Sudan, the use of biological weapons, the circumstances of the transgender community worldwide, child labour in cobalt and lithium mines, among others.

Throughout the day in the committees the delegates, represented each country, arguing their position on each issue and finally casting votes on the final draft of a Resolution. 

«This has been another successful edition of our conference, which has been steadily growing since its inception. Never have there been more delegates, more committees and more enthusiasm to maintain the spirit of Model UN, which fosters values of cooperation, community building and respect for our differences», said Tamara Miguez.

Crandon ModelUN has been running in Departamento de Secundaria of Instituto Crandon since 2013. Developed by Thimun, the programme proposes students to learn, in English, issues related to diplomacy and international relations, in addition to practicing their oral skills through debates that simulate the procedures and protocols of the United Nations. 

This activity, which is an extracurricular activity at Crandon, is carried out through weekly meetings. In these meetings, the students who are members of the ModelUN Club (muners) define which topics of international relevance they want to address. They also organize their annual conference and participate in other local and international events with members of other clubs.


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Bilingual EducationEducación bilingüeInglésSecundaria