
March 4th, 2021

The English Room´s Door

Last December, Secondary students took International Exams of Cambridge and Michigan Universities. Students from 3rd. to 6th. grade, sat for First Certificate, Proficiency and IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) from the two prestigious Universities. 

Third grade students sat for First Certificate, but also some teenagers of first and second grade of Bachillerato did. Proficiency was the test taken by students of third grade of Bachillerato and IGCSE was prepared by students of first and second grade of Bachillerato.

All the teenagers had an updated preparation and were closely monitored by professional staff, who dedicated a variety of resources to adapt the courses to the pandemic scenario of 2020. And the results of the exams, received in February, are excellent: 

94 students out of 111 passed First Certificate (FCE),
63 students out of 68 passed Proficiency,
62 students out of 62 passed IGCSE.

We emphasize very specially the level achieved by Seniors 2020 (the generation that graduated). 97% of the students achieved a B2 level (FCE), a 4% also achieved C1 level (Certificate in Advanced English) and 65% a C2 level (Proficiency of Michigan or Cambridge).

We are proud of the commitment of students and teachers. The results of these exams show the strength of the process and the richness of the teaching approaches applied. Rossana Longo Presutti, the English Coordinator states that these results are the harvest of a supportive team’s hard work in pandemic times.

Photo by: Gabriela Cabrera Castromán

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