March 31st 2020

Since the Government authorities declared the suspension of the classes due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Crandon started to offer a Home School solution for Early Childhood, Primary and Secondary. The principals and the members of the educational technology team immediately started to prepare the IT resources and all the features that are necessary to readjust the usual classes into a virtual experience.
So, teachers and students of Early Childhood and Primary are now using ClassDojo, an educational technology communication app and website that was developed in San Francisco (California) and is very popular all around the world. Secondary groups work on Moodle, a well known platform based on pedagogical principles for e-learning projects in schools and universities.
Home schooling is a big challenge for teachers, students and families. All of them are now trying to make remote learning a reality for all the spectrum, from little kids to adolescents. Teachers have being adapting the lessons and preparing exercises in order to achieve the academical goals. And also, they have to prepare themselves for the virtual meetings and encourage the students to do homework, read and participate on online sessions.
For students, the approach implies several changes too. They need routines, strategies and stability and they also need to socialize with peers. Now, with de COVID-19 isolation, they can feel unmotivated and frustrated, specially with the course of time. And parents are another huge part of this puzzle. They have to mix their children’s schoolwork with their own job related demands plus home obligations.
In order to face this complex situation, all Crandon´s technicians and professionals that work in areas related to behavior (psicólogas, profesoras Orientadoras Pedagógicas and memberts of Espacio de Desarrollo del Aprendizaje, Programa Antiacoso Liceal and Pastoral Educativa) support teachers and students. Meanwhile, as always, the principals of the Institution keep paying attention to the needs of the members of the community.
Related articles:
Crandon en modo virtual: ClassDojo y campus / 26 de marzo
Derechos de imagen del material educativo / 24 de marzo
Mensaje del pastor Jorge Gerhard /23 de marzo
Funcionamiento ante suspensión de clases presenciales / 16 de marzo
Suspensión de clases / 14 de marzo

Educación InicialEnseñanza remota de emergenciaExperiencias educativasInstitucionalPrimariaSecundariaTecnología educativa