
April 13th, 2024

El grupo en el aeropuerto de Montevideo

Students who are currently members of Crandon’s Model UN Club designed flyers to recruit new students. The advertising pieces publicize the benefits of participating in a group that challenges them in learning and allows them to meet students from other educational institutions in Uruguay and abroad.

Crandon’s Model UN Club meets on Fridays from 4:05 to 5:15 in 8.º 2 room under the guidance of Professor Tamara Miguez Selayarán.

This international and highly acclaimed programme has been running in Departamento de Secundaria of Instituto Crandon since 2013 as an extracurricular activity. Developed by Thimun, Model UN promotes students’ learning, in English, about issues related to diplomacy and international relations, in addition to practicing their oral skills through debates that simulate the procedures and protocols of the United Nations.


Related articles: A new Crandon ModelUN Conference was held on May 2023

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